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 This is Kennel Benoit's Wyandotte Poultry page

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Since we moved to Marke Mill in the summer of 1999, we had a dream:

To built a hen-house and yard and fill it with some bantam Wyandotte's of different colours.
Mostly to have something nice to enjoy looking at, and secondly for the eggs.

We choose the Wyandotte's because it is known as a good breed for beginners. We choose the
bantam size because they have a very good reputation, and because of the lesser size of birds.

The fact that Wyandotte's comes in many different colours, also made it a very interesting breed for us.
We probably, at a later time, want to breed some chickens, and we do not want to mix different breeds.
It might turn out to give us some chickens of colours not accepted by any standard, but at least they will still be


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In 2004 the hen-house and yard finaly was ready and the first Wyandottes moved in.

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  First Dahlia, Magnolia (Silver laced ) and the rooster Perikum (White Gold laced), later the 2 two (Partridge) hens Petunia and Hortensia,
and later came Lobelia & Fuchsia (Silver
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In the auturm 2004 our first chickens Smørblomst and Bellis came out of their shell. 
They had two mothers, as both Magnolia and her sister Dahlia shared all the work and pleasures of motherhood.  

Smørblomst was unfortunately eaten by the neigbours cat, and Bellis did not surveive the winter.

Our Fuchia did not survived the winter either, so instead we bought a new hen in the summer of 2005.

Our  latest arrival is a 4 year old Gold Laced hen called Guldregn. At the same time we also bought a chicken-house.

The new house was pre-made and took only short time to put together with a little help from friends. As there were
pleanty of space in our "old" hen-house and our rooster Perikum easily can handle more than 5 hens, we decided
to buy  some more. We also decided to buy some chickens at the same time.

There was not many Wyandotte hens or chickens at that time, but finaly we found some of the color Partridge. Well 
some  of them might be of the combination Partridge Wyanotte rooster and Yellow Orpington hen, but we thought
"never mind"!  So 4 hens moved in with Perikum and one hen and 5 chickens moved in to the chicken-house:   

Here you see Nælde and the 3 madam's. We havn't yet found names for them, as they still seem a little shy,
and difficult to tell apart. It's is different case with Nælde as she is boss of them and a angry young hen.
She bite when you take her up, and she even try to bite Perikum, but that was not a good idea!

Here is Nælde's sister Tidsel, she is the boss of chickes in the new house. There are 3 chickens who
look like they are true Partridge in color, and 2 of them seem to be of much lighter colour. They seem
to be a little bigger in size, so maybe they are half Orpington? You see one of them on the photo to
the right.   

We still have no names for the chicks, but at least have started to reqocknize who is who! 

In the summer 2006 we got 2 new roosters, Basilikum and Humle
Their colours are Barred and Lax.

We also got 2 new hens - colour also Lax.                                         In the spring of 2007 new chickens saw the day of light!

Four chicks in the small henhouse  - and 16 in the big one!

Cute right? 



If you click here, you can see some different colours of Wyandotte's